Who inspires you?
Who inspires you?
Who is your inspiration?
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs… your parents?
What do all of these people have in common?
Whether it’s raising a child or building a corporation there is one factor that rings true.
Sheer determination.
Without determination, little can be achieved and there’s no way you’d be the person you are today or that Bill Gates would be running said company!
A crazy thought but that’s what it comes down to.
So, if you yourself want to inspire your kids to think the same, why not begin to teach them those skills as soon as possible?
Skills like determination, ambition and resilience are all key characteristics, allowing a kid to put their best foot forward in achieving all that they can from a young age.
Not only that, but young people will one day be the adults (and leaders of tomorrow!) calling parents and educators (you!) their inspiration for teaching them those skills and giving them the best chance out in the big, wide world.
We at Kebloom want to ensure young people are well equipped to tackle all that’s ahead, with our online community designed to give young people a start in building their own business so these skills can be developed and matured!
Sign up today!