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Level 3 – Name it!

Our Launch Box is there to help pinpoint the type of founder you want to be.  

You could be a baker, gardener, run a not-for-profit, profitable enterprise or whatever else! (check out our Level 2 blog for more info). 

Regardless, the idea seed should at this point, be planted.

So, ideation is done and it’s time to unleash that creativity – what to name said business? 

Your business name can describe what you’re all about. For instance, our favourite pint sized painter, CassieSwirls, paints galaxies and constellation-like masterpieces, with swirls as her speciality.

Top Tip 1: A fun, catchy business name will be more memorable for your customers, keeping them coming back for more and referring you onto others.

Top Tip 2: If you’re stuck for ideas:

·      Try leafing through a dictionary for exciting words to use

·      Ask friends or family for ideas

·      Use your own name in a creative way

·      Think of company names you know and why they are memorable 

Top Tip 3: Your business name can be entirely invented, so take a chance and get creative.

This step gives you to chance to let loose your originality, so why hold back.

Start brainstorming today. 

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