Money grows on trees?

Money grows on trees?

Growing up, back when we were climbing trees and playing in sandpits, money was a foreign concept almost as strange and unfamiliar as that of adulthood…

In the same way, the expression of money growing on trees likely rings true for many kids as they simply don’t know any better. The new toy car or the mint choc-chip ice cream a treat seemingly coming at no price or expense.

Well if what you want is for your kids to start realising the value of money, why not get them signed up to Kebloom?

Kebloom allows your kids to sell their goods and services for a price, allowing them to come to a better understanding of saving, spending and donating money. By operating a profile on Kebloom your kids will also develop their business acumen as well as their general financial literacy skills.

Other than having your kids do chores for a dollar or two, why not allow them their own initiative to make their own money by doing what they love! This could include selling paintings, cookies, chess lessons…. really anything imaginable!

There is no limit to what your kids could achieve and with Kebloom your kids are more than likely to get a business-minded nudge in the right direction!

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