Meet a Kebloom Kid – CassieSwirls!
Meet a KebloomKid – CassieSwirls!
We’re inspired day in and day out at Kebloom by kids making the most of their passions and turning their hobbies into full-blown pursuits.
We’ve had the privilege seeing some of these kids pursue these passions, including none other that one of our most inspiring Kebloom kids, CassieSwirls!
CassieSwirls is a 5 year old that loves the same things most 5 year olds would, but she also has a (not so!) secret hobby that she shares with the world, and that’s painting!
Painting for Cassie is a free expression of her personality. She uses a variety of materials to make her artworks come to life, and the public can’t seem to get enough of her, with her immersive and fun paintings being sold all over Australia and even internationally! Not only that, but she runs fundraisers and donates to numerous charities using profits made from her painting, all at only 5 years old!
Kids like Cassie are one of the fundamental reasons Kebloom was founded, in order to inspire and kick start futures of our future generation. Kids like her motivate us and other kids, to pursue their hobbies and passions and turn them into something more.
Conveniently, signing up with Kebloom gets a kid doing just that. By helping kids set up their own business, whilst learning key principles of financial management and literacy along the way, they will be more than equipped to convert a dream into reality.
If CassieSwirls can, so can you!