Level 7 – Goal-setter!
Level 7 – Goal-setter!
Why do we set out to do things? Well, whether it is being promoted to a better-paid position at the company we work at, or to hit that 10km milestone in that marathon, we as humans love to achieve!
The same goes for businesses! But, in order to succeed, it helps to remind oneself why we got started in the first place! Young people especially, who may be impatient and frustrated by the number of hurdles in their path, can benefit from reminding themselves where they started from and where it is they want to go.
This is why we at Kebloom have our Launch Box, with Level 7 addressing the setting of goals and understanding the motivations behind setting up the business to begin with!
But how do we go about this? Well, when young people begin to get excited and involved in their business set-up, sit them down and get them to make a list of 3 – 5 goals.
These goals can be anything as general as making a small difference in the world around them, to as specific as selling 10 products a month by the end of the year!
These can then be looked back on and used for future direction and motivation.
It’s as easy as that!
- possibilities
- education
- young
- kebloom
- mature
- purpose
- financial
- achieve
- idea
- financial literacy
- ambitious
- encourage
- ambition
- teachers
- create
- passion
- kids
- grow
- imagine
- business
- learn
- founder
- confidence
- empower
- entrepreneurial
- technology
- imagination
- entrepreneur
- creative
- literacy
- build
- inspire
- determined
- success
- succeed
- entrepreneurism
- educators
- fun
- parents